Find the invisible child: it’s a project aiming at providing free echocardiography screening in schools to find asymptomatic rheumatic heart disease cases and referer them to health facilities for further management
RHD clinic: CaRHD-In through capacity building is advocating for dedicated RHD clinic in health facilities where patient living with Rheumatic Heart Disease can have specific follow-up. One of the project going-on now is RHD clinic Yaounde in centre medical la reference, where a registry has been set-up and patients are followed and gathered each month for educative talk events with the final goal to empower patients living with RHD to serve as leader for sensitization and advocacy in their communities.
Group pictures Group pictures Dr Yanwou’s speech Pr Chelo’s Speech Lauching of RHD clinic Preparing for counselling
Community awareness outreach: CaRHD-In is leading outreachs in schools, churches, and households to sensitize on Acute rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease.
Capacity building: CaRHD-In is training health professionals and community health worker on prevention, diagnosis and management of sore throat, Acute Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease.
ongoing talks Families Families attending Counselling by Dr Shu Preparing the talks